This sounds amazing! I like that you include physical fitness. It is all part of developing the total person.

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Physical fitness is such a vital aspect of spiritual stewardship that often gets either:

A. Completely overlooked, or

B. Distorted by performative, vanity-driven notions of masculinity that stray far from the sacraments.

I realize I haven’t been writing enough about fitness as it’s largely subjective compared to spiritual topics.

But this is my wheelhouse, and I’m going to make a more concerted effort to create fitness-focused content rooted in the sacraments—steering clear of vain and secular tropes.

Thanks for the encouragement and continued support!

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I’m planning on doing something very similar.

Gluttony is an overlooked vice. The old Church knew about it and dealt with it. We can start by acknowledging the importance of fitness and the discipline required to maintain healthy habits.

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